Planned Giving

We can help you leave a legacy that benefits you, your family, and young people in our community now and for years to come.

Below are some options to consider as you plan ways to make a lasting impact.

Questions? Contact Bert Garcia at

Charitable Bequests

You designate Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area as a beneficiary of your assets by will, trust, or other instrument. Bequests allow you to retain control of your assets during your lifetime. A bequest can be tailored to almost any set of circumstances, and it provides an unlimited deduction for estate tax purposes.

Charitable Remainder Trust

An income-producing gift, such as a gift annuity or charitable remainder trust, enables you to generate a current income tax deduction while providing yourself or a loved one with a secure source of income for life or a period of years. When funded with appreciated assets, it can also help you increase your income while avoiding capital gains taxes.

Charitable Lead Trust

A lead trust enables you to transfer wealth to family while reducing or eliminating estate and gift taxes. Trust assets are removed from the taxable estate, and growth in value passes tax-free to heirs. You postpone the transfer until heirs are more mature. Payment of trust income to Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area for a term of years creates a charitable legacy with funds that are otherwise destined for the IRS.

Life Insurance

A gift of a life insurance policy, or simply naming Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area as a beneficiary of your bank account, allows you to make a major gift for a modest cost. Many donors use insurance gifts to receive a current tax deduction while disposing of an old policy that is no longer needed. Other donors purchase a new policy, donate it to Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area, and make an annual gift to cover premiums.

Retirement Accounts

By designating Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area as the beneficiary of all or a percentage of your IRA or any other qualified retirement account such as a 401(k), 403(b) or pension account, you can make a substantial gift while avoiding income and estate taxes that may consume as much as two-thirds of the account balance.

Artwork and Other Personal Property

You may receive gift credit and an immediate charitable income tax deduction, typically for the appraised value of your gift. Your charitable deduction equals the full value of your gift as long as it is used to further the charitable mission of Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area.

Cash Gifts

A gift of cash is one of the simplest donations, and it maximizes your charitable deduction while providing immediate benefits to Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area. Gifts of cash include currency, personal checks, crypto currency, money orders, credit cards, and/or wire transfers.

You can make a donation online today

Other Ways to Give


To donate by phone, call our main office at 512-444-7199 and someone will assist you.


Download a donation form and mail your form and donation to Boys & Girls Clubs of Austin, 6648 Ed Bluestein Blvd, Austin, TX 78723

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Enroll in our monthly giving program and join a special group of committed donors that supports our Club Kids all year round.

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Your investment can pay even bigger dividends. Support Club Kids and save on capital gains taxes.

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We accept all types of vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles, trailers, boats, and more. Pick-up is free and your donation is tax-deductible.

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Leave a legacy with a gift that will have an impact on children for generations to come by making a planned gift or leaving a bequest to the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area.

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